Monday, October 28, 2013

Six Tiny Little Miracles

First, the miracle of kindness.  There are some people in this world whose hearts are just bigger than others.  Diane and Martha are two of them.  Both retired, they have dedicated themselves to rescuing and fostering special needs cats.  None of our story would be possible without these two.  Angels truly do walk among us.  Thank you!

Mazie was found in the middle of one of the busiest streets of Winston-Salem, NC several weeks ago.  Miracle #2, a very kind man stopped traffic and risked his own neck to save this tiny little kitten who was, at that time, only about 8 weeks old.  The fact that he even spotted her among all the traffic at dusk is a miracle in and of itself.

An abandoned 8 week old kitten in and of itself is a miracle so we'll count that as Miracle #3.  Never mind the fact that the kitten in question had Cerebellar Hypoplasia.  To quote the wonderful FB page  Cerebellar Hypoplasia Cats and Kittens

Cerebellar Hypoplasia is a disorder where the cerebellum of the brain has not fully formed or has some type of damage. There are various causes such as bacterial infections and viral infections, feline panleukopenia, caused by feline parvovirus, but can also be caused by poisoning, injury or malnutrition. Some common symptoms are jerky movement, wobbly uncoordinated walking and head bobbing.
There is no cure for CH, it doesn’t get better but it doesn’t get worse. A kitten will learn to compensate for his/her condition and have a normal lifespan. 
Miracle #4 is the fabulous veterinarian who treated this little kitty pro bono when a stranger brought her into the clinic.  I, personally, think all veterinarians are miracles and am grateful to them for their dedication, but this one especially must have a hard time concealing the shine of their halo.  To the unnamed but incredibly kind-hearted veterinarian who saved little Mazie with no regard whatsoever to who was going to foot the bill, may your life be filled with so many blessings and so much prosperity that you never feel insecurity or doubt.

A great sorrow leads me to the fifth miracle.  Miracle #5 is that of timing.  God's timing is impeccable, although I may not always agree with His methods.  Ten days ago, Dave and I lost our lovely little Sierra (see our previous blog post on the story of the Meep-a-motomus).  Our hearts had to be broken to be ready for Mazie.

Miracle #6 is the Grace that God shows us when we are hurting for as soon as we looked up from our sobbing, we knew that we were meant to help another kitty.  The following came from a wonderful friend, Deborah Triplett.  I know if references a dog, but I think that Sierra would support this too.  Deborah is a new friend and I'm very grateful for the miracle of friendship too, but we won't count that one here.

Yesterday we were able to meet Mazie for the first time.  She is adorable - a little ball of fluff with a good bit of mischief.  The vet was concerned that she might be deaf and blind or at least partially so.  We watched her play with toys and other kitties for an hour and she seemed to respond to loud noises so we aren't worried there.  She met Camille, who was just a bit nervous being in a house with 14 teethanclaws. The did just fine with each other and both had a nice big sniff so they'll know their sister's scent going forward.  I think Mazie will be gentle with Camille.  We'll have to start keeping tabs on which one totters over more each day.  The floors will be littered with pillows and dog beds.  Oh well, Better Homes and Gardens wasn't going to be doing a photo shoot of our loft any time soon anyway.

So, Dave and I are awaiting Mazie's homecoming.  She'll be here in just a few days.
We'll keep you posted on the progress of the miracles.


1 comment:

  1. testing - I'm supposed to be following you, but it's not showing..... I'll see if this works before making a real comment. :-)
